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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Philanthropy Vs Spirituality

                I usually don’t share clichéd topics and photo shop works done by others. But I believe this one is worth sharing to spread an idea or the great vision by Mr Kochouseph Chittilappilli.  Let me make it very clear that, this is not to tarnish the reputation of the pseudo goddess “Mata Amritanandamayi”. I hope, most of you people understood that  what context I am referring to by seeing the picture below.

Nevertheless, for few of my friends who are not familiar with this man, refer the link below. 
KochousephChittilappilly By the way, I am not an advocate of Mr. Chittilappilly, I don’t know him personally.  But I strongly feel that I should put my modest effort in sharing his great vision and my thoughts about the bogus spiritual world and the dogma created by new age shepherds. 

Recalling my chat with my co passenger in cochin airport.  The article about Mr. Chittilappilly giving 5.5 Cr to bolster Mullaperiyar dam, in that day’s news paper lead him to make a random loose comment, that says ‘Seems Mr. Chittilappilly is aiming for some awards and its all for name & fame’ and got into his typical sarcastic smile, as if he has done a better job. I did not find any fun in continuing the conversation with him, but that made me think about the way people see things and tweak the truth. I asked him a question back that, ‘Being Christians (that includes me), just tell me one single example that any of our priests did something like this?’  They are supposed to be the mentors and most of them are living missionary life without the burden of family and kids, Can understand if a home maker is having apprehension to being a organ donor, quite natural. Ok forget about organ donation, monetary support to needy people while they struggle. I saw the smile fading away from his face and he had no answer to my question.  We wrapped up the discussion and topic as I was not comfortable going further. 

Connecting to the recent scam – Jacobite Bishop Kuriakose Mar Cleemis, former bishop of Idukki diocese, alleged that he had paid Rs 3 crore to the leadership to get the Bishop title four years ago – where this money come from ? where it goes? This reiterates that the decision I took long back was right, that i had stopped take blessings from scam masters, who contribute nothing to the society.  I really don’t know whether I will be out casted from the parish for being candid and speaking out (any revolutionary Jacobite brothers reading this?) Ok whatever, let me be democratic at least in thoughts. Here the concern is not only about the priests, where is our politicians?, yoga gurus? film stars? social activists? Hey don’t be afraid, I am not talking about organ donation, that is meant only for real men like Mr. Chittilippilly, what about sharing a few 100s/ 1000s to the needy people instead putting it into the pool of scams ?

Going back to the thought process of my co passenger - Awards, Name & Fame !!
Damn, Chittilappilly as a proven successful business tycoon, he could have made it in casinos of Las Vegas, buy an IPL team, Buy an antique diamond piece in auction from London, or anything  that money can buy to create a buzz in the national media. But he choose to be different, that made him offer support of Rs. 5 L to  Ms Reini, who donated a part of her liver to her niece.  Honestly I never had seen a thought leader like him, neither in politics nor in spirituality. Taking his own words- "I am for deeds, not mere words"..........Hats off to you.!!